Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vegan MoFo Day 23: Sweet Potato Biscuits

If you made yesterday's sweet potato pudding recipe, you now have way too much leftover (unless you happen to have a large and hungry farm family). The only solution is sweet potato biscuits for breakfast!

Put a cast iron skillet with a glob of shortening or vegan margarine in the oven, and heat to 400F. While it is heating, mix:

1 cup all purpose flour
2 t baking powder
1 1/2 t salt

The result will probably be crumbly. Add just a little nondairy milk while stirring with a fork until it comes together into a dough. Go slowly as it does not take much. Pat out on a floured surface, and cut into biscuits. Place them in the hot skillet and bake 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of the biscuits) until done.

A lot of recipes for sweet potato biscuits involve adding additional fat, but there is plenty of fat in this pudding already! You can make these using any sweet potato pudding, sweet potato casserole, or even just leftover baked sweet potato, but you may have to adjust the fat and liquid (and possibly sugar and spices) accordingly.


panda with cookie said...

You know I am always ready to get down with biscuits.

JohnP said...

Lisa, these may be in your immediate vicinity. Tim took some with him in a bag. If he didn't eat them all in the car, they may be in the kitchen.